Percentage to Decimal Calculator

Decimal = Percentage / 100

Enter percentage %

Free online percentage-to-decimal calculator – enter percentage values then click the calculate button.

Math formula:

Percentage to a decimal, you can use the following formula:

Decimal = Percentage / 100

How to convert percentages to decimals?

To convert a percentage to a decimal, you can use the following simple method:

  1. Take the percentage you want to convert.
  2. Divide it by 100.

Solved Example

For example, if you have 25% and want to convert it to a decimal:

Decimal = percent value / 100

Decimal = 25 / 100 = 0.25

So, 25% as a decimal is 0.25.


Some Percentage values to decimal in table form

1 %0.011.5 %0.015
2 %0.022.5 %0.025
3 %0.033.5 %0.035
4 %0.044.5 %0.045
5 %0.055.5 %0.055
6 %0.066.5 %0.065
7 %0.077.5 %0.075
8 %0.088.5 %0.085
9 %0.099.5 %0.095
10 %0.110.5 %0.105
20 %0.220.5 %0.205
30 %0.330.5 %0.305
40 %0.440.5 %0.405
50 %0.550.5 %0.505
60 %0.660.5 %0.605
70 %0.770.5 %0.705
80 %0.880.5 %0.805
90 %0.990.5 %0.905
100 %1100.5 %1.005

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