Easily calculate the percentage change between two numbers with our Percentage Change Calculator.
What is percentage change?
Percentage change refers to the relative difference between two values, typically expressed as a percentage. It is used to measure the increase or decrease from an original value to a new value.
Sign | Indicates |
Positive | Increase or growth |
Negative | Decrease or decline |
0 % | No changes |
check also – related rates calculator
The percentage change formula is:
PC = [(NV – OV)/OV] * 100
- PC = Percentage change
- NV = New value
- OV = old value
How to calculate percentage change?
- First, determine the new value or final value
- Secondly, determine the old value or initial value
- subtract the new value from the old value then divide by the old value
- finally, multiply by 100 you get the percentage change
Solved Example
For example – you bought a stock at $50, and its current value is $60. then calculate the percentage change.
The initial value when you buy a stock is $50
Now the current value of a stock is $60
Percentage Change = ((60 – 50) / 50) * 100 = (10 / 50) * 100 = 0.2 * 100 = 20%
Percentage Change = 20%
So, the stock price increased by 20%.