What is X % of Y ?
X is what percent of Y ?
What is the percentage increase/decrease?
Easily calculate the percentage of a number with our user-friendly online Percentage Calculator.
What is a Percentage?
Percentage is a term that is commonly used in mathematics, finance, and everyday life. The word percentage comes from the Latin word “per centum,” which means “by the hundred.” It is a way of expressing a part of something as a fraction of 100. This fraction represents how much of the whole an amount or value makes up.
Formula of percentage
What is X Percent of Y? | (X / 100 ) * Y |
X is What Percent of Y | (X / Y ) * 100 |
What is percent increase/decrease? | (Y – X ) / X *100 |
How to calculate the percentage?
Example 1:- What is 20 Percent of 5?
To calculate 20 percent of 5, you can use the following formula:
20% of 5 = (x / 100 )*Y = (20/100) * 5
Simplifying this expression, we get:
20% of 5 = 0.2 * 5 = 1
Therefore, 20 percent of 5 is equal to 1.