
All calculators provided on this platform are designed for educational purposes exclusively. We do not offer medical or financial advice through our calculators. It is imperative to consult with a qualified professional, whether it be a doctor, financial advisor, or other relevant expert, for personalized advice pertaining to medical, financial, or other life decisions.

The results generated by our calculators are based on general information and assumptions. They are not a substitute for professional guidance and should not be considered as such. Individual circumstances vary, and the calculators may not encompass all possible factors relevant to your specific situation.

By using our calculators, you acknowledge that we do not assume responsibility for any consequences or decisions made based on the calculator results. It is your responsibility to independently verify the accuracy of the information provided and to seek professional advice when necessary.

We reserve the right to modify or discontinue our calculators at any time without prior notice. Your use of the calculators constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.