If you want to convert K to °Ré use this tool Kelvin to Reaumur Converter, Just enter the temperature in Kelvin and the result will be in Reaumur.
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Kelvin to Reaumur formula
- °Ré = (K – 273.15) x 4 / 5
- °Ré = Reaumur temperature scale
- K = Kelvin temperature scale
Relation between Kelvin and Reaumur scales
(K – 273.15) / 5 = R / 5
Example.1:-Kelvin = 310K, Reaumur =?
solve:- °Ré = (K – 273.15) x 4 / 5
°Ré = (310 – 273.15) x 4 / 5
°Ré = 29.48
∴ 310 Kelvin (K) = 29.48 Reaumur (°Ré)
Example.2:-Convert 293 kelvin into Reaumur
solve:- ºR = (K – 273.15) x 4 / 5
ºR = (293 – 273.15) x 4 / 5
ºR = 15.88
∴ 293 Kelvin (K) = 15.88 Reaumur (ºR)
Example.3:-Convert 373 kelvin into Reaumur
solve:- ºR = (K – 273.15) x 4 / 5
ºR = (373 – 273.15) x 4 / 5
ºR = 79.88
∴ 373 Kelvin (K) = 79.88 Reaumur (ºR)
Kelvin to Reaumur Table
Kelvin | Reaumur |
-100 K | -298.52 °Ré |
-50 K | -258.52 °Ré |
0 K | -218.52 °Ré |
100 K | -138.52 °Ré |
150 K | -98.52 °Ré |
200 K | -58.52 °Ré |
250 K | -18.52 °Ré |
270 K | -2.52 °Ré |
273 K | -0.12 °Ré |
273.15 K | 0 °Ré |
273.16 K | 0.0080 °Ré |
280 K | 5.48 °Ré |
290 K | 13.48 °Ré |
300 K | 21.48 °Ré |
305 K | 25.48 °Ré |
310 K | 29.48 °Ré |
350 K | 61.48 °Ré |
360 K | 69.48 °Ré |
370 K | 77.48 °Ré |
373.15 K | 80 °Ré |
400 K | 101.48 °Ré |
450 K | 141.48 °Ré |
500 K | 181.48 °Ré |
1000 K | 581.48 °Ré |