Free online percentage of a percentage calculator – Enter the first percentage values and second percentage values then click the calculate button.
Math Formula
To calculate a percentage of a percentage, you can use the following formula:
POP = (PT1/100) * (PT2/100) * 100
- POP = Percentage of a percentage
- PT1 = First percentage
- PT2 = Second percentage
Solved Problem
Example:- If the first percentage = 45% and the second percentage = 85% then calculate the percentage of a percentage.
First percentage = 45%, Second percentage = 85%
POP = (PT1/100) * (PT2/100) * 100 = (45/100) * (85/100) *100
Percentage of a percentage = 0.45 *.85 *100 = 38.250%
First Percentage | Second Percentage | Percentage of a percentage |
5% | 15% | 0.750% |
25% | 35% | 8.750% |
45% | 88% | 39.600% |
55% | 125% | 68.750% |
100% | 120% | 120% |
125% | 300% | 375% |