% to x/y
Free online percentage to fraction calculator – easy convert percentage to fraction
The formula to convert a percentage to a fraction is:
X/Y = Z% / 100
- X/Y = Fraction
- Z% = percentage value
How to calculate percentages to fractions?
To convert a percentage to a fraction, follow these steps:
- Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100. For example, if you have a percentage of 75%, you would divide 75 by 100 = 75/100 = 0.75
- Step 2: If the decimal is not in its simplest form, simplify it by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD).
Solved Example
Example: Convert 75% to a fraction.
Step 1: 75% = 75/100 = 0.75
Step 2: The decimal 0.75 is already in its simplest form since the GCD of 75 and 100 is 25, and both can be divided by 25 = (75/100) *(25/25)
So, 75% as a fraction in its simplest form is 3/4.
Here are a few more examples:
- 20% as a fraction: 37.5% = 37.5/100 = 3/8
- 66.66% as a fraction: 66.66% = 66.66/100 = 333/500
- 12.5% as a fraction: 12.5% = 12.5/100 = 1/8
Percentage to fraction table
Percentage | Fraction | Percentage | Fraction |
1% | 1/100 | 2% | 1/50 |
3% | 3/100 | 4% | 1/25 |
5% | 1/20 | 6% | 3/50 |
7% | 7/100 | 8% | 2/25 |
9% | 9/100 | 10% | 1/10 |
11% | 11/100 | 12% | 3/25 |
13% | 13/100 | 14% | 7/50 |
15% | 3/20 | 16% | 4/25 |
17% | 17/100 | 18% | 9/50 |
19% | 19/100 | 20% | 1/5 |
21% | 21/100 | 22% | 11/50 |
23% | 23/100 | 24% | 6/25 |
25% | 1/4 | 26% | 13/50 |
27% | 27/100 | 28% | 7/25 |
29% | 29/100 | 30% | 3/10 |
31% | 31/100 | 32% | 8/25 |
33% | 33/100 | 34% | 17/50 |
35% | 7/20 | 36% | 9/25 |
37% | 37/100 | 38% | 19/50 |
39% | 39/100 | 40% | 2/5 |
50% | 1/2 | 60% | 3/5 |